Turn-based Dating Sim Crazy Ones Kicks off an Open Beta on Android
The turn-based dating sim, Crazy Ones, is currently running a week-long open beta test on Android in the Philippines, concluding on December 23rd. This follows an earlier US Android early access period in December 2023. Developed by Dreality Entertainment and published by Noctua Games (also behind Ash Echoes), Crazy Ones offers players enticing beta participation rewards.
Beta Test Bonuses:
Participants receive a 120% rebate on any Noctua Gold purchases made during the beta, credited upon official launch. This means a 20% bonus on top of the initial investment, provided the beta account is linked to a Noctua account. Furthermore, the top 25 leaderboard players at the beta's end will receive exclusive in-game prizes. Pre-registration is open globally on the official website, with additional rewards unlocked upon reaching 500,000 pre-registrations.
Intrigued? Check out the game trailer below:
More on Crazy Ones:
Crazy Ones is a gacha dating sim with a unique twist: dream sequences and outlandish scenarios. It shares similarities with titles like Love and Deep Space, but caters to a male audience and incorporates turn-based gameplay. Four heroines are available, allowing for simultaneous romances within an interactive environment. The game boasts sharp visuals, an original soundtrack, and Japanese voice acting. Find out more on the Google Play Store.
Following the Android beta, Crazy Ones is slated for a Southeast Asian release in January 2025, with a global launch anticipated by Summer 2025.
Stay tuned for our next article covering Brok the InvestiGator's Dystopian Christmas Special Update!
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