> 소식 > Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete - How to Level Up Quickly

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete - How to Level Up Quickly

Jan 22,25(1개월 전)
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete - How to Level Up Quickly

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Leveling Guide: Unlock All Animals Fast!

This guide outlines strategies for quickly leveling up your Camp Manager in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and unlocking all available animals (excluding Villager Map exclusives). Reaching level 76 unlocks almost every animal. Leveling becomes increasingly challenging, so consistent effort is key. Besides unlocking animals, higher levels reward Leaf Tickets and increased inventory space.

Rapid Leveling Strategies

Interacting with animals on the map awards +2 friendship points. Complete their requests, chat with them, give gifts, and change their outfits to boost their friendship levels. Each animal level-up grants you Camp Manager experience.

Animals rotate every three hours, bringing new requests. Talk to everyone before the rotation! Animals at your campsite/cabin stay until dismissed. Warping to your campsite during the three-hour cycle reveals visiting animals, providing additional friendship points. Selecting "Tell me a story!" sometimes offers gift-giving opportunities (+6 points regardless of the animal's preference).

Remember: Only red dialogue options grant friendship points. For example, "Change outfit!" only yields points when highlighted in red.

Maximize Friendship Points with Amenities

Construct amenities to earn friendship points from multiple animals simultaneously. Animals matching the amenity's type gain bonus experience. Placement is crucial: have the target animal at your campsite before construction completes.

While amenities take days to build, upgrading them with Bells and materials provides ongoing friendship point generation. Level 4 amenities can be upgraded to max level (level 5), but this requires another 3-4 days of construction time.

Strategic Snack Giving

Gifts ("Have a snack!") provide friendship points. Matching snack and animal types maximizes points. For instance, give Plain Waffles (natural theme) to natural-themed animals like Goldie for optimal results.

Gulliver's Ship unlocks Villager Maps from golden islands. These maps, used at Blathers's Treasure Trek, yield Bronze, Silver, and Gold Treats. Completing a golden/villager island awards 20 Gold Treats. Alternatively, obtain Treats through requests or Isles of Style if all Villager Maps are already acquired. These Treats are universally liked, granting +3, +10, and +25 friendship points respectively.

Efficient Animal Request Completion

Pete's Parcel Service allows bulk request completion. Send items (fruit, bugs, etc.) to fulfill requests without individual animal interaction.

Individual requests often offer item choices. While using common items is tempting, higher-value gifts provide bonus rewards and experience (plus 1500 Bells). Consider these high-value options:

  • Perfect Fruit (excluding non-local)
  • Snow crab
  • Splendid alfonsino
  • Amberjack
  • R. Brooke's birdwing
  • Luna moth
  • White scarab beetle

Once an animal reaches level 10 (or 15 for some), complete their Special Request. This unlocks furniture requiring crafting (9000+ Bells, materials, and 10+ hours). While time-consuming, Special Requests yield substantial friendship points.

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