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Horizon Walker Tier列表中的終極先鋒排名

Feb 07,25(1 前個月)
Horizon Walker Tier列表中的終極先鋒排名

潛入Horizo​​n Walker的世界,Horizo​​n Walker是一個令人著迷的新的轉彎RPG主演的角色,由韓國Manhwa主演。 體驗史詩般的任務,主要戰略戰鬥和征服各種遊戲模式,以增強角色的力量。 該層列表突出顯示了保證可以加強您的遊戲玩法的頂級先鋒角色。



字符名称 rarity faction
“ Lisandria,“ SS-Rarity Vanguard,来自人类的SS-Rarity Vanguard。她的“旋转斜线”释放出强大的近战攻击,而“未知之剑”提供了基于三轮魔术攻击的盾牌,使她进一步增强了她的能力。
Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, wields devastating abilities. Her "Spinning Slash" unleashes a powerful melee attack, while "Sword of the Unknown" provides a shield based on magic attack for three rounds, empowering her further.
Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, wields devastating abilities. Her "Spinning Slash" unleashes a powerful melee attack, while "Sword of the Unknown" provides a shield based on magic attack for three rounds, empowering her further.

Elevate your Horizon Walker experience! Play on a larger screen using BlueStacks on your PC or laptop with keyboard and mouse for enhanced control and gameplay.

Elevate your Horizon Walker experience! Play on a larger screen using BlueStacks on your PC or laptop with keyboard and mouse for enhanced control and gameplay.<🎜> <🎜>
rarity <🎜> faction
“ Lisandria,“ SS-Rarity Vanguard,來自人類的SS-Rarity Vanguard。她的“旋轉斜線”釋放出強大的近戰攻擊,而“未知之劍”提供了基於三輪魔術攻擊的盾牌,使她進一步增強了她的能力。
Horizon Walker Tier List for the Strongest VanguardsLisandria, an SS-rarity Vanguard from the Human faction, wields devastating abilities. Her "Spinning Slash" unleashes a powerful melee attack, while "Sword of the Unknown" provides a shield based on magic attack for three rounds, empowering her further. Elevate your Horizon Walker experience! Play on a larger screen using BlueStacks on your PC or laptop with keyboard and mouse for enhanced control and gameplay. 提高您的地平線沃克體驗!使用PC或筆記本電腦上的BlueStack在更大的屏幕上使用鍵盤和鼠標進行播放,以增強控製和遊戲玩法。>
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