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Win a Punklorde Hacker Case Setup with Y70HYTE携手Game8推出限量版定制Y70 PC机箱套装,主题为崩坏:星轨的银狼! 这套静音时尚的“朋克黑客”套装包含定制机箱、键帽和桌垫,现正面向全球玩家进行抽奖活动。本文将详细介绍产品详情及参与方式。 崩坏:星轨银狼主题Y70 PC机箱套装抽奖活动 赢取静音时尚的“朋克黑客”套装 从开服以来,我就一直玩崩坏:星轨,最初是为了希儿的卡池,她与崩坏3的希儿有着惊人的相似之处。我很快就喜欢上了她所代表的量子属性,之后更是迷上了银狼,她长时间保持着游戏中的超高地位。Game8作为玩家的重要资源之一,我们非常高兴地宣布,我们将与HYTE合作,举办一场全球范围的抽奖活动,让您有机会免费赢取银狼主题P
Huawei AppGallery Awards 2024 celebrates five years of the storefrontThe 2024 Huawei AppGallery Awards have concluded, revealing some unexpected winners that are sure to generate buzz among mobile gaming enthusiasts. While our own Pocket Gamer Awards may set a high bar, the Huawei AppGallery Awards, celebrating their fifth anniversary, offer a compelling alternative
The Wizard Is A New Title On Android Filled With Magic And MythologyDive into the magical world of "The Wizard," a newly released Android game that transports you to the age of Olympus! Featuring Zeus, Hades, and a captivating blend of magic, mythology, and intense action, this game promises an unforgettable adventure. Read on to discover more. Become the Wizard! D
Pokémon GO Unveils Exciting Shadow Raid Day Lineup精彩回归!《精灵宝可梦GO》1月19日暗影突袭日,闪耀烈焰凤凰登场! 1月19日的暗影突袭日将带来火焰系神兽——凤王,玩家将有机会捕捉这只强大的宝可梦。 玩家最多可通过转动道馆获得7张免费突袭通行证,并可教授暗影凤王“神圣火焰”技能。 购买5美元的活动门票,可将突袭通行证上限提升至15张。 《精灵宝可梦GO》宣布将于1月19日举办新的暗影突袭日活动,主角正是凤王!这将是《精灵宝可梦GO》在2025年的首个此类活动,训练师们将再次有机会捕捉这款增强现实游戏中最强的火焰系宝可梦之一。 暗影突袭于2023年推出,为《精灵宝可梦GO》玩家提供了一种全新的方式来获得这些特殊宝可梦,方法是击败火箭队。
Roblox: Slap Legends Codes (January 2025)Slap Legends Roblox游戏:强化你的挥掌力量!本指南将带你了解如何在Slap Legends中提升实力,以及如何兑换游戏兑换码获取奖励。游戏中,你将通过锻炼强化自身,使用各种训练器材提升挥掌技能,甚至还能在理发店改变造型或购买光环。之后,你可以与NPC对战,检验你的训练成果。 所有这些训练都是为了在竞技场中更好地“拍打”其他玩家。这需要大量的升级,而升级需要大量的金钱。幸运的是,你可以通过兑换Slap Legends兑换码来获得一些金钱。 更新于2025年1月5日,作者:Artur Novichenko:兑换码发布后,你将在这里找到它们。本指南将成为你获取奖励的一站式资源。 所
Unlock Super Strength: Maximize Your GTA Online Prowess提升《侠盗猎车手OL》角色力量值的十种方法 在《侠盗猎车手OL》(GTA Online)中,除了在城市中闲逛和偶尔犯罪外,玩家还可以提升各种属性来增强角色能力。其中力量值至关重要,它决定了角色的耐力和近战能力,还能提升肉搏战、运动技能以及攀爬速度。然而,提升力量值并非易事。以下十种方法将助您轻松提升力量: 1. 拳拳到肉,提升力量 如同《上古卷轴》系列游戏一样,在GTA Online中,频繁的近身肉搏可以提升力量值。每对目标造成20拳,力量值即可提升1%。这适用于AI行人和敌对玩家,因此,与好友联机互相练习也是个好方法。 2. 酒吧补货任务失败法 安装“犯罪企业”DLC后,摩托帮俱乐部会
GTA 5: How to Get Changed Into a Smart OutfitIn Grand Theft Auto 5, after assisting with the Jay Norris assassination, players must don a smart outfit before embarking on Lester's next mission. This guide explains how to acquire appropriate attire. The subsequent mission involves reconnaissance at a high-end jewelry store; Michael's appearanc
Woolly Boy and the Circus offers a great introduction to point-and-click adventures for all agesWoolly Boy and the Circus: A Whimsical Point-and-Click Adventure Get ready for a charming point-and-click adventure! Woolly Boy and the Circus, currently available for pre-registration on Android and iOS, offers a colorful, cartoonish journey for players of all ages. This unexpected gem follows th
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Release Date Gets Delayed Again But Deep Dive to Come Soon《S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2》发售日期再次延期,但即将到来的开发者深度剖析将带来新的细节和游戏画面。继续阅读以了解游戏的最新发售日期以及深度剖析中将呈现的内容。 《S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2:切尔诺贝利之心》延期至2024年11月20日发售 开发团队额外投入时间解决“意外异常” GSC Game World备受期待的开放世界FPS游戏《S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2:切尔诺贝利之心》再次延期。游戏最初计划于2024年9月5日发售,但由于突然加强了质量控制和错误测试,现已推迟至2024年11月20日发售。 GSC Game World的游戏总监叶夫根·格里戈罗维奇解释了延期的原因:
Monument Valley 3 Is Now Out on AndroidMonument Valley 3, now available on Android via Netflix, delivers another captivating journey of mind-bending puzzles and stunning visuals. This third installment builds upon its predecessors, introducing new mechanics and a compelling narrative. Netflix Subscribers Rejoice! The story centers on No
Best Gacha Games (2024) | Ready, Pity, Go!2024年最佳手机抽卡游戏推荐!准备好迎接挑战了吗?本文将介绍Game8编辑部评选出的2024年十大最佳手机抽卡游戏,准备好迎接钱包的考验吧! 每年都有大量高质量的抽卡游戏发布,对玩家来说是好消息,但对钱包来说就不一定了。Game8精心挑选了2024年十款最推荐的手机抽卡游戏,并附带一些备选游戏。请注意,本榜单并非基于游戏成功度、人气或其他标准,而是纯粹根据我们的喜好进行选择和排名。 2024年十大最佳抽卡游戏 寒霜禁区 (Snowbreak: Containment Zone) 这是一款优秀的第三人称射击游戏,无疑将挑战手机游戏的极限。寒霜禁区拥有扎实的核心玩法、惊艳的视觉效果和模型
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Sticks to Melee Combat Over Gun FightsMachineGames and Bethesda's upcoming Indiana Jones game, The Great Circle, will prioritize close-quarters combat over gunfights, according to the development team. This design choice reflects the character's established persona. The Great Circle: Hand-to-Hand Combat Takes Center Stage Stealth and
Seven Knights Idle Adventure Launches Its S-Rank Collab with Solo LevelingSeven Knights Idle Adventure's exciting new collaboration with the popular anime Solo Leveling is here! Three iconic heroes are joining the 7K Idle roster, along with a host of new events and content. Who are the New Heroes? The crossover event introduces Sung Jinwoo, Cha Hae-In, and Lee Joohee. E
Slay the Poker: Poker Fueled Roguelike Now on iOSCombine poker and monster battling in real-time! Slay The Poker, the new mobile game from Starpixel Studio, is now available on iOS. This vibrant monster collector and deck-builder blends the excitement of poker with strategic creature training and roguelike combat. Outsmart opponents using clever
Bleach: Brave Souls Is Dropping Christmas Zenith Summons: White Night Event Soon!Bleach: Brave Souls is celebrating Christmas with its exciting Christmas Zenith Summons! KLab Inc. is bringing holiday cheer with the "Anime Broadcast Celebration Special: Christmas Zenith Summons: White Night" event. Get Your Festive Summons in Bleach: Brave Souls Starting November 30th, you can su
Dragon Age: The Veilguard “Truly Knows What it Wants to Be” Praises BG3 ExecLarian Studios' Publishing Director, Michael Douse, recently lauded BioWare's latest RPG, Dragon Age: The Veilguard. His enthusiastic assessment highlights the game's newfound focus and engaging gameplay. Dragon Age: The Veilguard Earns High Marks from Larian Studios Baldur's Gate 3 Exec Calls it a
Talking Tom's Blast Park Debuts on Apple ArcadeOutfit7 推出全新游戏《Talking Tom Blast Park》,让《汤姆猫与朋友们》的粉丝们在这个冬季享受无尽的乐趣! 这款无尽跑酷游戏现已独家登陆 Apple Arcade 平台。在游戏中,玩家将与汤姆猫及其朋友们联手,从捣蛋的浣熊手中夺回心爱的主题公园。玩家将乘坐旋转木马、摩天轮和其他惊险刺激的游乐设施,一路消灭捣乱者,解锁新的景点、奖励和角色。 通过赶走足够多的讨厌浣熊,玩家可以进入额外的公园,例如充满肾上腺素的 Sweetpop 公园,那里有刺激的过山车和其他惊险的游乐设施。他们还可以收集许多古怪的服装,为汤姆猫和他的朋友们增添互动乐趣。 《Talking Tom Bl
Dark Times Unveiled: 'Slender: The Arrival VR' Optimizes Razer Gold UsabilitySlender: The Arrival's PlayStation VR2 debut delivers a terrifyingly immersive experience. Prepare for a level of fear only true VR can provide as you're fully enveloped in Slender Man's chilling world. Eneba offers a great way to purchase the game, along with discounted Razer Gold cards. Here's w
Overlord Anime Game Launches WorldwideGet ready for the global launch of Lord of Nazarick, the mobile RPG based on the popular OVERLORD anime series, this Fall 2024! Learn how to pre-register below. OVERLORD Mobile Game: Global Launch This Fall 2024 Pre-Register for Lord of Nazarick Today! A Plus JAPAN and Crunchyroll are bringing the
Waven Launches Globally: New MMO Strategy from Dofus CreatorsWaven, the highly anticipated sequel to the popular MMOs Dofus and Wakfu, has quietly launched globally! Now available on the iOS App Store and Google Play, Waven offers a fresh take on the series' signature strategic combat, with a greater emphasis on solo play. Developed by the creators of Dofus