Monopoly GO: Tactics and Timetable for Jan. 06, 2025 Event

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Yesterday's Peg-E's Sticker Drop in Monopoly GO offered a surprising top prize: a Wild Sticker. With the Jingle Joy album nearing completion, this Wild Sticker provides a valuable opportunity to acquire rare Gold stickers and finish sets. This also marks the start of a new week, resetting the Quick Wins bar, allowing dedicated players to earn another Holiday Chest. This guide outlines Monopoly GO's event schedule for January 6, 2025, and a strategic approach to maximizing progress in today's Sticker Drop.
Monopoly GO Events Schedule for January 6, 2025
Prepare for exciting Monopoly GO events on January 6, 2025. Details are below:
Solo Event
Ongoing solo event in Monopoly GO:
New tournament commencing in Monopoly GO today:
Special Event
Special minigame available this week in Monopoly GO:
Flash Events
List of flash boosters available in Monopoly GO today:
All listed Monopoly GO events are based on recent trends and are subject to change by Scopely.
Optimal Monopoly GO Strategy for January 6, 2025
The Sticker Drop's shorter-than-usual duration necessitates active participation in ongoing main and side events to maximize Peg-E token acquisition. Low on dice? Utilize the Lucky Chance event for improved card draws, potentially yielding five free rolls when landing on a Chance tile.
Leveraging Lucky Chance boosts progress in the solo event by earning points each time you land on a Chance tile.
Strategically combine Builder’s Bash and Cash Boost to efficiently accumulate and spend money on city landmarks. Completing cities reliably leads to the Bank of Monopoly and its associated free prizes.
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