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Attack on Titan Revamp: Bugs Exterminated, Balance Restored

Feb 25,25(2 weeks ago)
Attack on Titan Revamp: Bugs Exterminated, Balance Restored

Attack on Titan Revolution Update 3: A Foundation for Future Improvements

Roblox's Attack on Titan Revolution receives Update 3, focusing on quality-of-life enhancements, balance adjustments, and bug fixes. While lacking a single groundbreaking feature, the numerous smaller improvements contribute to a smoother and visually enhanced experience.

Attack on Titan Revolution Update 3: Foundation for Future Updates.

Key improvements include addressing erratic Titan behavior (such as T-posing after building impacts and failure to attack players directly below), skill bug fixes (Charge and Founder's Will), and extensive Thunderspear adjustments. The update follows the content-rich 2.5 update, which introduced the Armored Titan Raid and Thunderspears, only a few weeks prior.

This update prioritizes stability and refinement over substantial new content. For players seeking to maximize their gameplay, a complete list of active codes is available here. Below are the full patch notes:

Attack on Titan Revolution Update 3 Patch Notes

2x Winter Tokens Event

Quality of Life (QoL) Improvements:

  • Roblox chat enabled in the main 2D lobby.
  • Added impact frames and sound effects to "Founder's Vengeance" skill.
  • Two new auras added to the Armored Titan raid ("Abyssion" - Epic, "Digital Fracture" - Legendary).
  • New refill icon implemented.
  • Improved streaming properties for better performance on lower-end devices.
  • Map lighting changed from "Future" to "ShadowMap" for improved lower-end device performance.
  • "Gameplay Paused" notification disabled.
  • "Armored Titan Raid" cosmetic drops (Marleyan Patch, Young Reiner's Attire) can now be sold for gems.
  • Grammar corrections in the streak message.
  • Revamped cutscene handler for improved synchronization and skipping functionality.

Thunderspear Questline Framework Changes:

  • Fixed issue with boxes not being removed after shifting/ejecting.
  • Resolved continuous supply objective issue after completion.
  • Retrieving a box now only grants +1 quest progress (instead of affecting all players).
  • Supply mission boxes now spawn in random locations.
  • Questline no longer starts in missions unless the player is prestige 1 or higher.
  • Fixed cart not appearing on the convoy horse for the outskirts spears quest.

Balance Adjustments:

  • Boss Titan raid damage buffed by 5.0% per difficulty.
  • "Oddball" modifier now increases objective damage.
  • "Duckers" Titan variation now only spawns in Hard+ difficulty.
  • "Ragers" Titan variation now only spawns in Severe+ difficulty.
  • "Leaders" Titan variation now only spawns in Aberrant difficulty.
  • "Emperor's Key" cost reduced from 3,499 Gems to 2,999 Gems.
  • Increased Battlepass XP gain on mission completion.

Mission Adjustments:

  • Increased base chance of receiving a perk on Titan kill in each difficulty (now affected by luck multiplier).
  • Adjusted perk rarity chances in each difficulty.
  • Changed difficulty drop chances (scrolls/serum).
  • Revamped luck multiplier formula (uses cumulative frequency).
  • Adjusted objective mission end rewards (luck multiplier increased by 1.2x for gaining perks).

Raid Adjustments:

  • Changed item chances in each difficulty.
  • Fixed "Armored Serum" bypassing the maximum serum cap.
  • Revamped luck multiplier formula (uses cumulative frequency).

Thunderspear Adjustments:

  • Increased M1 falloff damage.
  • Nerfed detonation range by 5.0%.
  • Nerfed self-damage explosion radius range.
  • Nerfed refill count by 1 in missions and 3 in raids.

Family Buffs:

  • Reiss Family: "Command" skill now affected by "Tactician" memory and "Font of Inspiration" perk.
  • Fritz Family:
    • "Founder's Will" duration increased (10s > 20s - shifter form, 15s > 20s).
    • "Founder's Will" now affected by "Tactician" memory.
    • "Founder's Will" now buffs Skill Cooldown Reduction, Injury Chance Reduction, Shifter M1 Speed, Swing Duration, and Blast Radius.
    • "Founder's Will" cooldown increased (45s > 90s).
    • "Founder's Vengeance" now grants +1 extra shift and max ODM/TS resources.
    • "Founder's Vengeance" now provides 13s of I-Frames after the revive animation.
    • "Furyforge" memory nerf reverted (0.3% > 0.4% DMG per 1.0% health lost).
    • "Maximum Firepower" perk buffed (All TS Stats increase by 5.0% > 7.5%).
    • "Everlasting Flame" perk changed (no longer increases "Swing Duration" for blades, only affects "Blast Radius" for spears).
    • Added "Explosive Fortune" perk (Conservation Chance increases by 10.0% > 15.0%, 5.0% > 7.5% chance to regain 1 Spear per kill).

Armored Titan Shifter (VEVO) Adjustments:

  • Courage: Shield gain removed upon expiry (instead of overtime loss).
  • Charge: Deals tick damage similar to roar.
  • Earth Breaker: Cooldown (40 > 35), Damage Base (30.5% > 100.0%), Damage Growth (5.5% > 10.0%).
  • Heavy Attack: Proper Area of Effect (AoE) implemented.
  • Passive: Reworked similar to boxing mastery, scaling with Damage Reduction.
  • Phase Shift: Can now be toggled on/off when re-using the skill. Cooldown (99 > 25).
  • Titan Toss: Miss Cooldown (6.5 > 4), Stage 2 Cooldown (2 > 1).

Bug Fixes: (Extensive list of bug fixes omitted for brevity, but original list included.)

Armored Raid Revamp:

  • Boss punches/skills can now damage objectives. Phase 1 and 2 details provided in original patch notes.

This update lays a strong foundation for future content additions to Attack on Titan Revolution.

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