Elden Ring Nightreign Beta Now Open for Sign-Ups

The 2024 Game Awards delivered a plethora of exciting announcements, including Naughty Dog's new project and the highly anticipated The Witcher IV trailer. However, FromSoftware may have stolen the show with the unveiling of Elden Ring: Nightreign. Here's how to participate in the Elden Ring: Nightreign network test.
How to Access Elden Ring: Nightreign Early via the Network Test
While many players are still grappling with the *Shadow of the Erdtree* DLC bosses, anticipation is high for the next chapter in the *Elden Ring* saga, *Nightreign*. FromSoftware is offering a unique opportunity: a network test allowing select players early access to a portion of the game. Registration is straightforward.Visit the dedicated Elden Ring: Nightreign section on the Bandai Namco website for complete details. This test will rigorously evaluate the game's online functionality before its official 2025 launch. Registration opens January 10th, 2025, for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. Selected participants will be notified before the network test commences sometime in February.
Related: Game Awards 2024 Recap: All Trailers and Announcements
Exploring Elden Ring: Nightreign
For those unfamiliar, Elden Ring: Nightreign introduces several key features. Most notably, it will feature co-op gameplay, allowing teams of up to three players to explore and conquer challenges together.
The trailer showcases new weapons, movement mechanics, and a particularly intriguing boss. The Escapist's Zhiqing Wan notes a striking resemblance to the Nameless King from Dark Souls III, suggesting a formidable encounter awaits. Given the co-op element, this boss will likely present an even greater challenge.
This concludes the guide on registering for the Elden Ring: Nightreign network test. For those prioritizing completing the main game before diving into Nightreign, here's a guide on obtaining the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword.
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